sourcforge > sotacs

Example 6 : jchart-Graph with Image Map

This adds an image map to the previous jCharts example


This is static documentation. You can see this example live


<form jwcid="@Form">
     Enter an arbitrary company name : <input type="text" jwcid="@TextField" 
     listener="listener:onSubmit" value="ognl:companyName"/>
     <input type="submit" value="show stock graph"/>   
  <img jwcid="@sotacs:DynamicImage"  parameters="ognl:{companyName,'mapped'}" 
          height="300" width="500" painter="painter:paintGraph" 
          disabled="ognl:companyName == null || companyName.trim().length() == 0"/>

public abstract class GraphWithMap extends BasePage{
       private static final int MINUTES_BACK = 8;

       public abstract String getCompanyName();
        * this method paints the graph and sets expiration time
       public void paintGraph(Graphics2D g2d, IPainterContext context){
           //retrieve data from DB
           double[] data = getStockData(getCompanyName());
               // render the chart with jCharts
               Chart chart = makeJChart(context, data); 
               //construct the image map
               for (Iterator it = chart.getImageMap().getIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                 ImageMapArea jChartsArea = (ImageMapArea);
                 MapArea area = new JChartMapArea(jChartsArea);
                 area.setTooltip((int)jChartsArea.getValue() + " $");
           } catch(Throwable e){
           //set expiration time to 5 minutes 
           context.setExpiresAt(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 5);
     * Produce a chart using the jCharts-API
    private Chart makeJChart(IPainterContext context, double[] data) throws Exception{
           GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
           String[] xLabels = new String[MINUTES_BACK];
           for (int i = MINUTES_BACK - 1; i >= 0 ;i--) {
              if(i != MINUTES_BACK - 1) cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1);
              xLabels[i] = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + "h " + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE );
           String xTitle = "Time";
           String yTitle = "Price in $";
           String title = getCompanyName() + " (last updated "+ new Date()+")";
           DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries( xLabels, xTitle, yTitle, title );
           String[] legendLabels = {getCompanyName() + " stock price"};
           Paint[] paints = new Paint[]{Color.BLUE};
           Stroke[] strokes= { new BasicStroke( 1.0f )};
           Shape[] shapes= { PointChartProperties.SHAPE_CIRCLE };
           LineChartProperties lineChartProperties= new LineChartProperties(strokes, shapes);
           AxisChartDataSet axisChartDataSet = 
               new AxisChartDataSet(new double[][]{data}, legendLabels, paints, 
                  ChartType.LINE, lineChartProperties );
           dataSeries.addIAxisPlotDataSet( axisChartDataSet );
           ChartProperties chartProperties= new ChartProperties();
           AxisProperties axisProperties= new AxisProperties();
           LegendProperties legendProperties= new LegendProperties();

           return new AxisChart( dataSeries, chartProperties, 
                   axisProperties, legendProperties, context.getWidth(), context.getHeight());

     * retrieve stock prices out of a randomDB 
    private double[] getStockData(String name) {
        Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
        double[] data = new double[MINUTES_BACK];
        double start = random.nextDouble() * 1000.0 + 1.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            start += start * 0.4 * random.nextGaussian();
            if(start < 0)  start = - start;
            data[i] = start;
        return data;


package examples.dynimg;


import org.jCharts.imageMap.ImageMapArea;

import net.sf.sotacs.dynimg.api.MapArea;

public class JChartMapArea extends MapArea implements Serializable{

	private ImageMapArea jChartMapArea = null;
	public JChartMapArea(ImageMapArea jChartMapArea) {
		this.jChartMapArea = jChartMapArea;

	public String getHtmlMapCoords() {
		return null;

	public String getHtmlMapType() {
		return null;

	public String toHTML(String link) {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		addOptionalAttributes(sb, link);
		return jChartMapArea.toHTML(sb.toString());
